Body hair. It could either be your greatest asset or your most hated torment. And whether you like it or not, you’re going to have to deal with the fact that hair is a normal facet of the human body. You might not be a big fan of your hair or you might be totally in love with it. Whatever the case, it’s there, and you try to make do with what you’re given.
But did you know that you are able to tell a lot about your health based on the amount of hair that you have on specific spots of your body? If you find that your body has undergone some very significant changes as far as hair growth is concerned, then this article is going to help reveal to you what that could mean for your overall physical health.
You can never be too careful when it comes to your health. You always want to make sure that you are staying on top of everything that is going on in your body. You want to always stay mindful of your overall health.
But before we do that, it might be important to look over the types of body hair that you might typically have:
- Vellus hair – the very thin and small hair that practically covers your entire body. Usually, this hair is so fine that you wouldn’t really notice it unless you consciously seek it out.
- Terminal hair – this is the kind of hair that is much longer, thicker, and more noticeable. It also tends to be much darker than vellus hair and people typically start getting it during puberty. This is the type of hair that grows as a result of the body going through some very significant hormonal changes.
If you happen to find yourself experiencing a sudden growth of thick and dark hair in areas you might have never thought you could grow hair in the past, then you might want to check out some old photos of your parents or grandparents. It doesn’t matter how far we can get with our technology, genetics is something you can’t stop.
Depending on your particular ethnic group, studies have shown that you are more or less likely to have an overgrowth of hair in certain parts of the body. For instance, women who are of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern descent are more likely to have overgrown hair while other ethnic groups have moderate amounts of hair.
The sudden growth of hair can be caused by a male hormone imbalance. Both men and women are known to have these hormones. And females typically only have them at relatively low levels especially when contrasted with their female hormones.
However, while a woman’s testosterone level increases, your body might react accordingly in some very unusual ways that you might deem to be weird and unnatural – such as hair growth.
The adrenal glands can be found right above the kidneys. And whenever adrenal glands don’t function properly, some very serious hormonal balance changes can take place. And that’s when excessive body hair growth can happen a lot. But there are also other symptoms associated with adrenal gland problems such as high blood pressure, weight gain, spiked blood sugar, headaches, muscle soreness, and more.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is more commonly known as hirsutism. And if you happen to experience some irregular periods, it’s very much possible that you have this condition. This is largely caused by having some enlarged ovaries which may contain some small collections of fluid which might require medical attention. Some other symptoms of this condition include fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and more.
If you experience a sudden case of hirsutism, for example, over the course of just a couple of months, it might be important for you to seek medical attention. The dramatic hair growth can be a sign of an extreme case of testosterone increase in your body. It isn’t necessarily something that happens all too commonly. But if it’s happening way too quickly, then it’s definitely something that you might want to get checked.
What are your thoughts about hair? Do you do everything in your power to keep everything neat and clean? Or do you still opt to keep things looking natural and simple?