Early Warning Signs Of Diabetes You Shouldn’t Ignore

In this day and age type II diabetes is a very common ailment and it is believed that 1 in 3 persons may have the disease without knowing it.

In 2013 it was estimated that over 382 million people worldwide had diabetes and of this number 90% had type II diabetes which is caused by excess glucose or sugar in the blood and the insulin hormone whose job it is to regulate blood sugar is low and in short supply.
This ailment can lead to other health complications such as neurological and cardiovascular problems.
It is therefore very crucial that the ailment is detected in its early stage so that you can adequately take care of it.
Observing good healthy practices such as:
  • Eating a balanced and healthy diet always
  • Engaging in regular exercises…
  • Will go a long way in helping you to fight the ailment and to live a healthy lifestyle.
The early signs of type II diabetes include the following:
  • Polyuria or Frequent Urination
Your kidneys tend to work overtime as it attempts to get rid of excess glucose from your body causing you to urinate frequently.
  • Polydipsia or Excessive Thirst
Another early symptom is polydipsia or excessive thirst which is common as your body loses more and more fluids that need to be replaced causing you to drink lots of water and other fluids in the process.
  • Polyphagia or Excessive Hunger
Due to the sudden increase and drop in blood sugar you will tend to have an increased craving, appetite and hunger for food.
  • Having A Dry Mouth
There is a tendency that when you are in the early stages of type II diabetes that you will lack adequate moisture in your mouth causing it to be dry and you may also be prone to oral issues such as gum disease.
  • General Body Tiredness or Fatigue
You may feel tired all the time even after getting sufficient hours of sleep. If you feel this way then you should consult your doctor immediately.
  • Problems With Your Vision
The shape of your eyes and lens can.be altered when there is excess sugar in your blood. Your vision can also become blurred and you may even begin to see flashes of light. This condition may persist and even become more permanent as your blood sugar level increases.
  • Wounds Not Healing
When there is excess sugar in your blood stream it becomes increasingly difficult for blood to be conveyed to the areas where cuts and bruises are that need healing.
  • Infertility
Since diabetes tends to damage nerves and blood vessels, the sex organs are not exempted. Women are likely to experience vaginal dryness while men have difficulty in having an erection.
Tests carried out to diagnose diabetes include;
– the fasting plasma glucose test which checks your blood sugar level after an 8 hour period of fast, where your blood sugar is above 126 mgs per deciliter (mg/dL) when tested twice, then it indicates that you may have diabetes. Pre-diabetes will be occasioned by a reading of 100/125 mg/dL.
Known Risk Factors
There are known diabetes risk factors you should know and they include;
  • Cigarette Smoking
  • Excessive weight gain or obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Excessive eating of processed and refined foods
You should try and eat a balanced diet always and also exercise regularly to avoid excessive weight gain or obesity which will ultimately prevent you from having diabetes.