It's That Simple: 11 Female Behaviors That Men Just Love


Even though men and women are the same species, at times, it can seem like they're from totally different planets. Men do some things that women are just completely baffled by, and vice versa. And, on the other end of the spectrum, there are some things men do that just drive women wild, and there are some things women do that men find totally irresistible. Of course, everyone is different and everyone has different likes and dislikes when it comes to their partner, but in general, a lot of men are charmed by a similar set of behaviors.

Often, it's things that you wouldn't even think of, or things that you would assume might annoy your guy more than anything. However, there are certain female behaviors that just hit a man right in the feels, even though they may seem totally minor to you. It's just things that they view as distinct to women, those magical, intoxicating creatures that capture their attention day after day.

Here are 15 female behaviors that men absolutely love — if you notice your guy turning into a puddle the next time you bust out one of these, be warned, your powers are greater than you think!

11 When You Bury Your Head In His Chest  

This is kind of a win-win situation. Women love this move because it makes them feel safe and protected — like nothing in the world could go wrong as long as you're nuzzled into your partner's warm and cozy chest. Men love it because they get to feel like the big, strong protector figure, looking after their partner. Plus, it's the perfect opportunity for him to stroke your hair and get a good whiff of the intoxicating smell of your shampoo. Even though guys wash their hair on the regular, there's just something about the way a woman's hair smells that seems to captivate them. So, next time you want to bury your head in his chest and just escape the world for a bit, don't feel guilty — he's enjoying it as much as you are.

10 When You Smile — Because Of Him  

For many women, a sense of humor is at or near the very top of their list of qualities they're looking for in a guy. After all, if you find someone that can make you smile and laugh, even in the toughest of times, life will definitely be a whole lot easier. And, it turns out, guys love making women smile and laugh just as much as women love finding a guy with a great sense of humor. No one wants their partner to be serious and somber 24/7 — they want someone who can relax and have fun every now and then, and if they're the ones that spark a smile or giggle, even better. Plus, it's a pretty clear sign that you're having a great time with them and enjoying their company, which is always a nice boost.

When You Shimmy Out Of Your Tight Clothes  

You're done with work for the day, or you've returned home after a successful date night, and you have one thing on your mind — getting the heck out of that tight little black dress or pencil skirt and changing into something that actually allows you to breathe and get comfortable. So, you start the process of wiggling out of your tight garment. In your mind, you look like a clumsy elephant, and you're hoping that your partner is distracted and not witnessing your display. Well, it turns out he probably is distracted — by you! And no, we're not just talking about the fact that he wants you in as little clothing as possible, although that's also true. He just loves getting an inside peek, to see all your crazy curves, and to know you're comfortable being, well, 
comfortable around him.

When He Catches You Checking Him Out  

We've all had that moment where, when your guy is focused on something else and not really pay attention, you feel free to drool over what a dreamboat he is and totally check him out. Then, all of a sudden, his gaze meets yours and you realize you've been busted. Now, it may not seem like a big deal to you – it's not like you're embarrassed, because you're totally free to check out your partner, but you just shrug it off and smile. To him, though, it's a really big freaking deal — even though he may seem cool and collected on the outside, perhaps just giving you a little smirk to let you know he saw, on the inside, he's fist pumping and telling himself that he's still got it.

When You Bite Your Lip  

For many women, biting their lip may be a bit of an unconscious gesture, something they do when they're nervous or distracted. For others, it's an indispensable tool in their flirting arsenal, something that they use to capture a guy's attention. Whatever your personal stance is on lip biting, one thing is for sure — your guy is probably totally intoxicated by the behavior. I mean, just think about it — when you bite your lip, you draw attention to your mouth, which makes him think about kissing you. And, it makes him wonder what thoughts are running through your mind — and if they could possibly be naughty thoughts all about him. It draws guys totally wild, so if you ever want to capture his attention in a hurry, just bite your lip — trust us.

When You Get All Dressed Up For Him And Take Way Too Long Getting Ready  

Many women assume that their guy is going to be frustrated if they take too long to get ready for date night. And yes, if you're constantly making him an hour and a half late to every event because you can't seem to manage to get ready on time, that probably gets a little bit annoying. However, if you spend a bit too long getting ready for date night because you want to look your best for him, he probably won't be annoyed — he'll be a little bit tickled that you're putting in all that effort just for him. And, when you finally emerge, all glammed up and gorgeous, he'll probably have to stop his jaw from dropping straight to the floor. Sometimes he needs to be reminded what a mega-babe his partner is!

When You Give Him Advice  

Okay, now, if you're constantly telling your partner what to do and how they should be living their life, that's not cool. However, don't feel like you need to keep your advice bottled up if your guy comes to you and asks your opinion because, well, he wouldn't be asking you if he didn't value your opinion! If you have a strong connection with your partner, you actually enjoy getting their take on things and getting another perspective on all your tough troubles. And having someone like that in your life that you can turn to when you're faced with a tough decision can be majorly comforting — so even though you may worry you're nagging, chances are, he actually loves when you share what you think about things and give some great advice.

When You Stretch  

This is another one of those things that seem so minor to women but drives men absolutely nuts. And note, we're not even talking about crazy yoga stretching that will send his mind racing as he thinks of all the other things that level of flexibility might come in handy for. We're just talking about the simple stretch you bust out when you get up in the morning, or stand up after sitting on the couch for way too long, just to stretch out your muscles a little bit. It seems like such a tiny gesture to women, something we don't even think about it, but there's just something about it that men love. Perhaps it's because women definitely look a whole lot more different stretching thanks to all their curves?

When Your Nurturing Side Comes Out  

Okay, we're not saying you should treat your guy like he's a child and you're the one taking care of him — that would be supremely weird. However, guys kind of like being pampered every now and then as well, and they like knowing that someone cares about them enough to look after them when they're not feeling very well. It could even be a gesture as simple as preparing dinner after you know he had a long day, or giving him a bit of a back rub after a particularly tense work week. Even the most strong, independent people like to feel taken care of every now and then, especially by someone they know has their best interests at heart and just wants to make them feel a little bit better.

When You Get Scared Of Silly Things  

Unless your guy is majorly messed up, he should never get enjoyment out of seeing you genuinely terrified for your safety. That's just not cool. However, many guys are totally charmed by the moments when you get scared of silly little things, like when you spot a bug in the shower or are watching a scary movie. Guys like being the ones to take care of all those little things, to kill that pesky bug or wrap an arm around you so that serial killer scene doesn't seem quite as bad. Women are incredibly strong, but every now and then, he likes being the one to step up and be strong on your behalf, and to feel needed. Nothing wrong with that — we'll keep calling on guys to deal with critters forever.

When You Wear His Clothes  

This behavior has a bit of a double standard because, if you saw your guy wearing your clothes, you'd probably be a little weirded out. However, men absolutely love to see women wearing their clothes. It's likely because it taps into that primal, protective cave man hiding inside his civilized modern self — he loves seeing you totally comfortable, he loves seeing you wearing something that's his. Sure, he may be a little bit irritated when he can never find a hoodie to wear at home because you've stolen them all, but hey — relationships are all about sacrifices, right? And to be perfectly honest, he's probably not really that mad at all once he catches a glimpse at how adorable you look in his oversized sweatshirt.