With The Help of These Natural Remedies You Will Grow Back Your Receding Gums

Receding gums or gingival recession refers to the exposure of the roots of the teeth as a result of gum tissue loss and gingival margin retraction from the crown of the teeth. This problem usually affects people over 40, but it might affect even teenagers or children up to 10 years.

Around this age, the gum around the teeth starts corroding and this is an ideal environment for bacteria to develop, which might cause your gums to retract and make your teeth more visible. Having your teeth exposed in this way causes a lot of pain and it can even lead to teeth loss since it affects the bone of the teeth.
What are the symptoms?
Gums receding happens gradually and it sometimes difficult to notice it. So, if you see that your teeth are overly sensitive or they are changing in size i.e. becoming bigger, then you might be experiencing symptoms of gum disease.
What causes this problem?
  1. Not brushing your teeth at least once daily will cause calculus which eventually leads to gum disease.
  2. Brushing your teeth aggressively will destroy the enamel of your teeth which leads to receding gums.
  3. Genetic factors which cannot be changed.
  4. Hormone imbalance, especially in women.
  5. Smoking is also another factor which influences gums and can cause gum disease.
  6. Periodontal diseases which damage the supporting teeth bone.
  7. Clenching and grinding your teeth can also cause problems with receding gums.
  8. Lastly lips and tongue piercings can also cause receding gums.
Treating receding gums
If you notice it on time, gum disease can be treated with the help of your doctor who can remove the calculus and plague from your teeth. However, if you don’t notice the problem on time, you’ll need to undergo gum surgery, as well as a surgery for regeneration of the lost tissue and teeth bone. There are homemade remedies which can help you with your gum disease, as well as avoid surgeries. Nevertheless, you still have to make sure that you always consult your doctor about your gums infection, since you can never know what kind of damage has already been done.
How to grow back gums?
Gingiva is the soft tissue which surrounds the teeth. When compared with the lip and cheek lining the gingival is tightly connected to the underlying bone. This is why good oral hygiene combined with home remedies such as oil moisture will help you grow back your receding gums.
Below you can check our list of best homemade recipes to grow back your receding gums
  • Green tea is full of antioxidants which can help fight periodontal disease, as the main reason for receding gums. All you need to do is drink 1 cup of green tea every morning and you will see the results in no time.
  • Aloe Vera is known to treat skin problems, because it has an anti-inflammatory and repairing abilities. It can help relieve inflammation and activate the repairing cells which will help gums heel faster. All you need to do is brush your teeth, rub some aloe gel on it and then brush again for around 5 minutes. Also, you can use aloe as a mouthwash daily, after brushing your teeth.
  • Sesame oil will help you reduce the chances of plague creation and it will help you fight and destroy the toxins in your mouth. Heat up some sesame oil and brush your teeth with it. Gargle and swirl for a few minutes. If you repeat this procedure for some time, you’ll notice how your gums will start repairing.
  • Eucalyptus is an essential oil which is used for treating different health issues and it is also efficient in destroying germs and bacteria. You only need 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil mixed with 2 tbsp of water. Apply and massage you gums gently with your toothbrush.
  • Myrrh can help you with your gum problems as well. You need to mix some myrrh powder with water and apply it on you gums as a paste. Leave it on for some time and clean with water if necessary.
  • Clove oil will help you destroy the bacteria in your mouth and it also fights bad breath. You can use it in the same way as eucalyptus oil.
  • Lemons have antiseptic and antibacterial properties, however make sure you don’t use too much of them since they can damage your teeth enamel. Make sure you use lemon once a week.

How to prevent gums recession?

  • Follow a proper oral hygiene
  • Mouthwash for a cleaner mouth
  • Drink lots of water
  • Eat healthy
Consult your doctor for additional help