Psoriasis Remedies - How To Get Rid Of It Naturally!

Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease of the skin that is usually chronic and which affects approximately 1-2% of the world's population. It affects equally men and women, even though women are generally affected earlier than men. Also light-skinned individuals are more prone to this condition compared to those with darker skin.

The manifestations of psoriasis: The disorder manifests in the form of erythematous patches, covered with dry whitish scales that are sometimes associated with itching and burning. The psoriatic lesions may affect the whole body, but are more often located at the elbows, knees, scalp and hands.

Risk factors and triggers: The cause of the condition is not entirely known, but it is estimated that there are risk factors that may predispose a person to the development of the disease. These risk factors include:
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Infections
  • Lifestyle choices
  • The presence of other diseases
Genetic predisposition - Approximately 33% of cases appear to people who have family members that suffering from asthma, suggesting the presence of an inherited genetic component of the disease.

Infectious diseases - Some people become ill with psoriasis after a viral or bacterial infection. For example, the streptococcus infection can sometimes cause the onset of psoriasis. It is believed that an excessive immune system response to certain infections can also cause this skin disease in susceptible individuals.

Lifestyle - Many studies suggest that people with a healthy lifestyle have a lower tendency to develop psoriasis. Some authors believe that the abuse of alcohol and tobacco smoke can trigger the development of the condition. Additionally, obesity is considered a risk factor.

The presence of other diseases - It has been noted that people with Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis or metabolic problems frequently develop the disease.

How to treat psoriasis:

In the treatment of psoriasis, nutrition plays a fundamental role. It is very important to maintain the acid-alkaline balance, with a preference towards alkalinity rather than acidity. The pH of the body should go from 7.3 to 7.5, to make your immune system more efficient. Your daily diet should consist of 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods, which will not only improve psoriasis, but also make the joints become more flexible and less painful. A vegetarian diet, low in animal protein, rich in fruits and vegetables and high in fiber can be very effective against this condition. More specifically, you should consume foods such as green beans, cauliflower, carrots, lettuce, celery, cabbage, apples and olive oil. Flax seed oil and organic, cold-pressed evening primrose oil can also be very helpful.