50% of the US population drinks coffee. On average, a person has 3.1 cups of coffee per day and this just proves that our modern world can’t live without this magical drink — it has even become a culture. But besides the positive effects, there are some negative sides that everyone should know about.
We at Healthli love coffee, but we still don’t want to overdose on it and that is why we are sharing some facts that can be useful for you.
1. You have a problem with your stomach.
Coffee actually has a laxative effect. It releases a hormone that makes your stomach speed up the activity in the colon. Drinking too much coffee may lead to loose stools and even to diarrhea. Besides, coffee promotes gastro-esophageal reflux. If you have any problems with your stomach, it’s better to reduce your coffee consumption.
2. You may feel tired the next day after drinking coffee.
Yes, coffee stimulates your nervous system because of its caffeine content and it also improves your physical performance by 11-12%. But there is a bad side. Adenosine, a chemical element found in coffee, first increases and then drops. Some studies noticed that after drinking it too much, you may feel tired and can fall asleep. Fatigue comes immediately after alertness, but if you keep charging yourself over the course of the day, you may escape this effect.
3. You may have anxiety.
Caffeine increases alertness by blocking the adenosine that makes you tired. But if you have big doses of it every day, it can lead to anxiety and nervousness. Coffee is a trigger for the release of adrenaline that may affect your behavior. If you notice that you’ve become too nervous, it is a good idea to try to control your consumption of caffeine.
4. You’ve started experiencing insomnia.
Caffeine makes you stay awake, but at the same time, it can affect your sleep. Researchers have shown that a high coffee intake can increase the amount of time you need to fall asleep. You literally sleep less and become more tired during the day.
5. You have a rapid heart rate and experience fatigue.
The rapid heart rate effect doesn’t appear in everyone, but it’s still pretty common. It was proven in young people, who had high doses of coffee, that caffeine can increase your pulse. Drinking coffee is not recommended for those people who have problems with blood pressure and with their heart.
6. Your metabolism speeds up and you become addicted.
Caffeine is a fat-burning supplement. Studies have shown that it boosts your metabolism by 3-11%. However, it is important to be careful, because some people are intolerant to coffee and the negative effects are much worse than the positive. The problem is that you can become addicted to coffee and stop drinking enough water — which your body actually needs.
How much coffee do you drink per day? Are you a coffee person or a tea person? Please share your recipes for how you make your favorite cup of coffee with us.