They're right there on our chest—AA or DDD, perky or pendulous, nipples pale pink or dark brown—and yet most of us don't give our br...

11 Fun facts about chocolate

Most people love chocolate in one form or another. Whether as a chocolate bar, dipped strawberry, in syrup form, drizzled over cheesecake, o...

Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Chicken

Chicken soup, chicken stew, chicken chili, chicken breast on salad…chicken in almost any form is great for your health—unless you’re the chi...

How to Make Your Nose Look Smaller Without Surgery

  I've always had something of a big nose. I'm no Barry Manilow, but unfortunately my nose is somewhat 'wide' and my big gri...

7 Tips to Balance Your Hormones—Naturally

Balanced hormones and TV. How do these topics go together? Stay with me! I don’t often watch TV. However, I was recently stuck in an airport...

10 Natural Medicines You Can Make at Home

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical doctor and nothing in this article should be taken as medical advice. Please talk to your doctor before usin...

6 Types Of Body Fat And How To Get Rid Of It?

  Who would love to have an obese body? Neither me nor you. The reasons for the accumulation of fat in any of the body parts is pretty simpl...